Visit Us

Our Sundays begin with Equipping Classes at 9:00. From 10:00 to 10:30 am we enjoy a time of casual fellowship with drinks (coffee!) and snacks, followed by our main service at 10:30.
We enjoy a potluck lunch on the first Sunday of each month. It begins in the fellowship hall immediately following the morning service. This is a great opportunity to spend more time in fellowship with the church body and meet new people. You won’t want to miss it!
Equipping Classes
Sunday Mornings at 9:00am
Nursery Provided
Followed by 10:00am Fellowship Time
Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Mornings at 10:30am
Children’s Church During Sermon
Monthly Sunday Pot-Luck Lunch
First Sunday of the Month
Potluck in the fellowship hall following morning service

Our Location
We are located at 946 Daphne Lane, south of Hanford-Armona Rd. and east of Cinnamon Dr. in Lemoore, CA.