Our Story
By the grace of God, many people’s lives have been blessed by the ministry of Grace Baptist Church. For over forty years, the church has been committed to seeing God’s word preached and put into practice. We officially began meeting on September 23rd, 1979. We started by meeting in a rented facility but as God blessed our congregation it became apparent that we needed a building that would meet the needs of the church. Providentially, a businessman donated a large piece of land, which was later developed into our current campus.
On January 23rd, 1993 the sanctuary building was officially opened and dedicated for God’s glory. A few years later, a second building was built that extended the facility and includes classrooms and a fellowship hall. Having these facilities has made it possible for the church to expand our ability to serve both those in our congregation and those in the community.
Families have always played a large role in the ministries of the church and as a result we have had the opportunity to be involved in Vacation Bible Schools, Awana, youth camps, along with many events for men, women and children. We have also been blessed with a strong relationship with a Spanish congregation that has shared our facility for almost twenty years. We recognize that God has blessed us with the church campus. We want to be faithful stewards of it and as we are able, let it be used to bless our congregation and those in our community as well.